Friday, May 9, 2014

Tok Bali – Pearls tourism peaceful in Kelantan

.Not many people know the origin of the name of Tok Bali, Kelantan. Various versions told to the author from which the name of the area is renowned for its beautiful coastline and the fisheries in the area provided. Some said it came from a lime tree, bali and Bali, Indonesia. However, popular stories since before it was named after a fisherman came from Bali, Indonesia entered the coastal waters of Kelantan with a boat capsized before the Viking coastal. Locals who live nearby find it and invites the fishermen from Bali lived there for several years before back to Bali. From that, the area has been given the name of Tok Bali, referring to fishermen from Bali, Indonesia. This story is understood that occurred on some of the last century. The extent to which validity, is uncertain. Regardless, let us read what is interesting in Tok Bali.

Tok Bali is renowned for its terminal landing fresh fish catch of the local fishermen. Name it fish Tok Bali, many nationals of Kelantan which freshness of fish caught by local fishermen. The Aqsa Tok Bali or known markets ARRIVES (Terminal Fish Bali) is often the focus for get the fresh seafood such as fish, shrimp and squid.

View under the bridge Tok Bali

Tok Bali Bay – Building near Central market

Market fresh fish at Tok Bali. This is where the fish to land by local fishermen

For hard-core enthusiasts can boat rentals or private for fishing in the middle of the sea. In fact, the author was also down fishing with ' speed boat ' in Tok Bali waters and river mouth area next to the bridge over Tok Bali. Picnic while fishing with the family. So exciting. Can't wait to come back to the Tok Bali when possible.
In addition to the fisheries areas, the main focus of Tok Bali of course an attractive tourist destination. Between the main landmark is the replica of the ship as well as curved bridge is about 300 metres long and 50 metres high to allow boats through it. In the area of coastline the confluence of sungai is also the location for a picnic with the family. Beautiful coastline-clad sloping white sandy and attract visitors to holiday relaxing the mind.

Replica of the fishing boat at Tok Bali

The high bridge at Tok Bali

If you want to holiday in Tok Bali, there is a popular resort, four star, Tok Aman Bali Beach Resort which necessarily give peace and pleasure when visiting Tok Bali. In addition to Tok Aman, there are several other private chalet available nearby. Among others Dee Wana Resort and Bali Beach Village Resort. However, if you want to stay outside Tok Bali, there are also other resort not lacking like Sudara Resort, Permai Chalet, Seri Nipah and Villa Danialla located at jalan Pantai Melawi-Tok Bali. Resort-the resort all are on the coast facing the South China Sea.

Resort Aman Tok Bali
With the availability of various resort options, incomplete if no favourite restaurants in the nearby area. There are several restaurants on a street which is open from the afternoon until late into the night. The atmosphere of night are also more vibrant during the school holidays. Meggi Crab Cherang Ruku and champion of grilled fish Tok Bali are two restaurants quite famous which attracts domestic tourists and the locals. Meggi pictures ever crab so the phenomenon on FB on Holidays Kelantan last year. Perhaps because of the unique and many people have never seen such meals.

Bayu beach at Tok Bali

If you plan to vacation relaxing the mind, family day or honeymoons, come to Tok Bali. Certainly left a thousand and one memories when the are on the shoreline of the South China Sea on the East coast of Malaysia.

How to get to Tok Bali 
from Kota Bharu Kelantan – travelling from Kota Bharu town to Tok Bali takes a 45-minute drive with a 45 km through the Bachok and Pasir Puteh. From Kuala Besut, Terengganu – if you are from Terengganu, can head to Kuala Besut which is also the gateway to Pulau Perhentian. From Kuala Besut can point directly to the Tok Bali just 12 miles away.

Things to do in Tok Bali 
1.Stays and resting in resorts or chalet 
2.picnic and relax with the family 
3.Fishing on the edge of the beach and the mouth 
4.Visit landings market and BBQ

Sketch map of Tok Bali from Resort Tok Aman

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